Adam – taurus, earth/dense solid and firm element

Friendly voice and benevolent expression, actions are oriented toward productivity

He makes commitments when he is convinced efforts can bring result, rich bounty

Greatest cycle of yield at the peak of a cycle

Beginning of spring

Abraham – ram, strength and fecundity(fertile)

A ram leads the herd

Aries is virile, strong and creative

Innovative ideas are introduced

A guide with leadership and instincts

Immanuel – Pisces

Fish live in water which is essential to life

A period of transition

A new season is on its way

Live by sensory perception and feelings

Deeply sensitive

Feel defenseless

Adapt to surrounding and absorb all types of influences


End of winter

? – Aquarian

One person reaching this sign

We will encounter a fully developed human being

Alert but does not direct attention to a specific spot

Pouring out water

Middle of winter, all is cold, the sun seldom appears but the seeds are in the ground and germination is beginning.

Air (sign) invisible bond between heaven and earth and everyone breaths it.

Tactful/not readily expressive of feeling, contemplative and reserved, not interested in tangible realities and detached from instinct

Strong interest in spiritual values, intuitive, seeks something different

Interested in promoting knowledge

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