of what use is a mirror to the blind

These entries span decades. As with all which is novel, it is best to follow from the beginning and to review it entirely before passing judgement. For what you picked up to complain about could be what you hold up to praise. Knock and the door will open. Seek and ye shall find. Communications over time.



It was after the trashing of the money changes in the temple that the teachings turned not to a temple made of brick and mortar but to the spiritual temple, the one that would be torn down and rebuilt in three days. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



There are those who will not understand and refuse to accept that the kingdom of christ is spiritual. As Immanuel decline once before a material kingdom, there is no return to now take what was once rejected. The kingdom of god is a spiritual kingdom and therefore the kingdom of god is within you. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



There was once a rich man, who used to dress in purple and fine linen and live in luxury. There was a beggar Lazarus at his gate, covered in sours and ate what was thrown away from the rich mans table. One day they both had died and the rich man when to the hades



I raised my eyes and looked and lo! There was a man clothed in linen, his loins girded with gold from Ophir, his body flashing like topaz, his face like lightening, his eyes like torches, arms and legs like bronze and the sound of his words were like the multitude. Later appearing above the water,



Then he called aloud in my hearing “come forward, you officers of the city, armed each with their weapons of destruction.” And lo, there came from the direction of the upper gate facing north, six men armed each with their weapon for slaughter and in the midst of them another man clothed in linen with



The time will come after the seven kings, then the ten, that the pursuit of economics shall end at the time of the seventh seal, the dragon star. After heaven will open up and the one to rule the heathen with the iron staff. They will strike them down and be a shepherd to them.



The idolatrous woman who all people server to have is wealth and luxury, the Jezebel woman spoken about to the angel of the church of Thyatria. https://archetypealgorithm.earth