An age – 2,100 passing of the solar system through one sign of the zodiac (precession of the equinoxes)

A full revolution around the central sun takes 26,000 years.

The ages go in reverse order.

Adam – Taurus, Abraham – Aries, Immanuel – Piscean

Aquarian Age – the one who holds the pitcher, of the zodiac and the man who the disciples followed into a house where all was furnished and made ready in a large room upstairs where they were to make preparations for the Passover supper.

What does it matter how the world was created?

It is far more important to understand why the world was created.

The world was created for humanity.

Humanity was created to care for the world, to serve the spirit, to serve all living entities, in that way they serve the spirit.

But man who was flesh wanted for itself help, for itself wanted to be served.

The fruit of knowledge of good and evil was eaten when mankind partook of self rather than service.

Their eyes were open; they saw it was not good; they saw their nakedness (the clarity of the soul) and they were ashamed.

Their body was no longer light and they were cast out of paradise.

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