In the Hebrew alphabet 222 is RKB – ReKeb which means “chariot”.

It appears in Haggai (King James)

And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathens and I will overthrow the chariots and those that ride in them and the horses and their riders shall dome down, everyone by the sword of his brother.

Daniel 11:40, Micah 5:10, Nahum 2:13, Revelation 9:9, Revelation 18:13

Dream 1: My friend shot twice in the midsection living in a city.

Dream 2: Myself shot twice in the leg, rebuking one for misleading me with lawn grass.

Dream 3: Two planes fall out of the sky.

Dream 4: Two captives let free.   A cat who waked upright and a snake that crawled upside down.  After being freed they tried to follow but I ran from them because I was scared, they meant harm but later realized they would not harm.

Dream 5 and 6: Two cysts on Z, 2 storms coming.  I spoke to one in my dream about him having this dream.  Later we talked and he had had this dream.

222 is the street address of my aging grandparents of which I had a dream of this place.

In my search I have now been take to the thread of the symbol of the chariot – a weapon of wrath.

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