By taking heed to what you do and say, you inspire the sense of the spirit to grow.

You thus make the wrath of men to praise the spirit.

Families will have strife themselves.

For one or some will follow christ while others will follow self and these two paths cannot follow the same leader.

For one is of good and the other is not.

Wealth is not yours; it was given to you for safe keeping and when there others in need the wealth is no longer for your keeping; if you then give it not you bring upon yourself guilt.

When people defy their consciousness and listen not to it the heart is grieved and they become unfit for the work of life.

One person may do in conscience what another cannot do.

Whis is a sin for me to do may not be a sin for another.

The place you occupy upon the way of life determines what sin is.

The one who judges harshly is the ones whose heart is full of crime.

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