Woe to the rich is gold and lands; they have temptation multiform.

Woe to mankind who walk at will in pleasure’s paths; their ways are full of snares and dangerous pits.

Woe unto the proud; they stand upon a cliff; destruction waits for them.

Woe unto the greedy; for what he has is not his own and lo, another comes and theirs is gone.

Woe unto the hypocrite; their form is fair to look upon but the heart is filled with carcasses of dead men’s bones.

Woe unto the cruel and relentless; they are victims to their own deeds, the evil they would do rebounds, the scourger is scourged.

Woe to the libertine who preys upon the weak; the time comes of the weakness from another of greater power.

Woe unto you when all the world shall speak in praise of you. The world speaks not in praise of those who live in spiritual breath; it speaks in praise of false prophets and of illusions base.

It is not what one does that gives them the right to enter through the gate; their password is their character and their desire is their character.

The letter of the law deals with the acts of mankind; the spirit of the law takes note of their desires.

It is far better to suffer loss than to seek out justice from the law of man to determine what is right and wrong.


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