4.Seeds do not germinate in light; they do not grow until they find the soil and hide themselves away from light.

Humanity was made a seed of everlasting life but the light was far too great for the seed to grow and so humanity sought the soil and in the darksomeness of earth it found where it could germinate and grow.

The tree of human life is rising from the soil of earthly things and from natural law.

There are no supernatural acts of a God to lift humanity from carnal life to the spirit blessedness, it grows as grows the plant and in due time gives forth its fruit.

The quality of soul that makes it possible for humanity to rise to spirit life is purity.

5.The soul is brought to purity by will, faith, helpfulness and love.

That which one will to do, that one has the power to do.

A knowledge of that power is faith and when faith moves the soul begins flight.

A selfish faith leads not to light.

There is no lonely pilgrim on the way to light.

Humanity only gains the heights by helping others gin the heights.

The way to spirit life is love, pure unselfish love.

6.CHRIST – universal love, why does humanity seek after a mythical figure? Christ is within you.

? seven hooks of carnal life – fear, self, emotion, desires, etc…

1.All things are thought.

All life is the activity of thought.


3.Evil is the handiwork of humanity by the disharmony it creates.

7.When all the essences of carnal things have been transmuted into soul and all the essences of soul have been returned to holy breath, humanity will be perfect and creation will conclude.


Comments (1)

  1. Reply

    Aside from what is written here, which has the ring of truth and I can think of no higher praise than that, your writing style has become more accessible and to me at least, more clear.

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