Yaldabaoth, why do you not repent and wish to become that which is not deficient? You wish to be praised by that which you have created and mankind is a great prize to you since we are of the likeness that you glimpsed; that which is above all. Our souls were created, and are created by you and our bodies were created for the soul so that it may partake in its desires and by partaking in that, it is the worship that you demand. You will not help us to know that of the spirit, for you do not wish to lose your recognition, which in the end shall have been in vain. I see you in our body and soul, desiring praise and respect. Wanting to be thought highly of, wanting to be served than to serve. We need to serve you for your own vanity but the wondrous and most destructive fact is that the Father of the spirit needs not to be served by us nor your hosts nor you. HE is in need of nothing; HE is not even in need of HIMSELF for HE has no needs. We may serve him by serving our fellow man but we serve you by serving ourselves. Keeping ourselves in comfort and surrounded by the matter created by you from the chaos that existed with you. Your glory is fleeting, your glory is false and you are to be pitied for your choice in destruction just as those of man who you have blinded from the truth and the life you have given over to injustice. Through your religions we are taught that we must obey your commands or suffer death and damnation or reincarnation. If it is you, we so serve then we are part of your inevitable destruction. For the spirit was created for the soul so that the soul may gain the truth and become of that which is immortal. The spirit is from the Father, that which is in-deficient, ineffable, inconceivable, incomprehensible, and incorruptible. The spirit is like the Father and will return to the Father, for it is our blessing from the Father.

This day was a quiet day, the sky was overcast and the regular routine was followed until late tonight. The sky had cleared and so I ventured to the bow of the ship and beheld the stars of this universal heaven. There was one star, that was more appropriately a planet, which held my attention. It was the light of the brightest shinning that was leading the ship on my journey. As I joined with my Father, there was a bright flash in the heavens that set my mind to a higher contemplation, to that which is not worldly but that of the invisible and infinite.

I must overcome my fears that keep me from following my path to the truth. I still hold to the fear of losing this life. It is a slower process than I thought was to have been overcome.

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