I am having withdrawal, not from heroin, from LSD, from alcohol, not from tea but from television. It has been 2 days since they turned off my cable. I noticed last night when I sat down to eat and tried to watch some brain drain. So instead of watching the scrambler, I started making phone calls. I called the female that the night last week was spent with and told her I was going to New Orleans to see another female I meet from Australia. I called my mother and asked her to pay off my student bank loan since she had claimed me on her income taxes. She was asked because it may have saved her three hundred dollars but it cost me thousands. Needless to say, I upset her just a tad so I may not be welcome in Florida at the end of this month. I called both my sisters as well. I called one because I wanted to let her know why I did not call; I called the other because I felt like I should.

In just one day the lack of television has brought me to a strange level. Since I do not have the influx of information my brain is craving it, just like my body is craving nothing but fruit. So, to occupy it last night after all the calls I decided to think about what would make my life easier. I had decided that I needed to step back down to a lower position and accept less money. After I talked with my grandfather, I felt much better and he informed me that I should talk the CFO at work. I knew the CFO well having spent about two weeks with him on a thirty-two-foot boat in a trek across the Gulf of Mexico. The next morning before my meeting with my boss to inform her of my opinion, I went down to see the G-man. We had a nice long talk, which give me a great amount of thoughtful direction. In the end there was a compromise of me keeping my position and letting go on the part that gives me the most trouble. That part of the job where you have to make sure people do their job and I don’t think you should have to do that. But then again am I giving us too much credit?

After one night, I have released about half the stress in my life. The reason being, I had time to think clearly for myself, no TV, no music, no… nothing.

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