Growing up I spent a great deal of my time in front of a computer. For eleven years working on a computer was a higher percentage than watching TV. During the ages of 14 on is when you lean to interact with other members of society on a social order. This is at the age I began spending most of my time learning how to write code on a third-generation computer. This is the main reason I have so much trouble with my job. I have great amount of trouble dealing with people because they are so illogical. They are illogical because they are brain washed and pumped full of trash and feelings of hate that they do not know how to see their brother. Melville was completely correct when he wrote, “Vanity, all is vanity.” Humanity has a core flaw, and it is so written that we were created perfect until iniquity was found in us. What is this iniquity of which our creator speaks? Is it the fact that we hide our intellectual reason and replace it with pseudo intellectualism? It is a facade we parade around to hide our ego, our desire, which is the love of ourselves. When a man sees a woman of nice features, he watches her and wants her. This is where the deception lies, for the real reason behind his nature is that he wants to see if she takes notice of him. This is the feeding of the ego, which after its initial taste cannot be fulfilled. For next leads down to the road of unseen shadows, viral contractions, disease, and bastard children. Man is above the animal in reason and he does not live at harmony with nature, as he should. We know this and yet we do nothing about it. There are those that argue we are animals. In a sense that we are all from the same creator but I see no other animal here on this planet building hydrogen bombs to kill his brother. We are killing each other because one person worships god differently than another or because they do not have the same type government. Things are looking better but we are headed down a road that leads to a place far worse than where we came from…

Moby, now there is another bible of mine, the road is drawn clear and products of actions are displayed in color.

We must open our eyes.

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