My vanity grows increasingly great as each day passes. I am seeing the majority of us as being ignorant; we do not use our brains and lack common courtesy towards each other. It may be from this small world I find myself abbreviated in, that things are being seen in the context they are. Love is sought for my fellow man but there is a lack in knowing what to look far. Christ taught of love and also of hard hearts, which mine is that of balls of lava that have drowned into the blackest part of the sea. There is no light there and so no warmth, only dark cold water to cool and harden the mass known as my heart.

Not much going on but work. I am once again drained but I am getting good at working like that. My vanity has given way to causing commotion at the work place. There is too much being done and it makes more sense to project manage than to hire resources that would be more trouble than what it is worth. Plans include education of the hospital, training three members of my group to handle Unix administration, and hopefully being a positive aspect on the hospital than just giving up and letting it go. Is this my cross I am to bear? For we all have our crosses to bear although some choose not to bear anything.

I had a call from harem9 today that, in my humble opinion, was never to be heard from again. Weird creatures these females are, but to be or not to be that is the question. She called when I was at work, I returned home and left her a message and now she may call. Silly since it ended in a very petty way, someone thinking the other is lying when they are not. There is not too much to say about it now. I am however thinking of doing a little something special for Harem7 but I do not wish to be over excited about the situation. The wrong idea does not need to be given.

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