I tell you that this world is full of mysticism but it is not hidden from us as you may think it would be. This world is right before our eyes; all we have to do is to open them. For example, today Jackson came over, this was happening more frequently as the friendship grew. We partook in tea and talked about things of today. She told me that she had been buy here a few times and someone else was walking Bach. The person she described was no one I knew. In better regards though, since nothing is missing and these people wish to break into my domicile to walk my dog then I’m all for it. He needs to be walked more often; every thirty minutes is not enough times a day. UMMMMMM fruit. To get to the task of seeing the envelopment of such a story is this, one of the persons, Jackson described; walking Bach was the exact description of one of two unknown men in a dream I had last night. The dream consisted of seven persons, one limo driver, two women, two men, Peter, and myself. One of the two women was undoubtedly Peter’s wife, and one of the other men was the one I had just been described. The location was the hill upon which my grandparents live. I walked through the house and out the front door, which at that instance I held a gun in my hands. The hill was very uncomfortably quiet from that point on. Peter was on the west side of the house, I know because I again walked through the house and to the same place and position outside, only to see a silver limo pulling up and both girls getting out. I evidently knew them well because my reaction was one of jealous wonder. Then out came the two men and we all walked in the front door, the familiar one I knew but could not remember his face or name. He turned to me and I felt deceitful vibes emanating from his persona. This is where I awoke and forgot about it until I associated the one thing that happened to be that unknown man, how strange life is.

I am also relating to a time when I gave my nephew a game for Christmas, him being six and it took my brilliant cousin a good bit of time to figure it out and was never able to keep up with the increasing speed of the game. His young un-shriveled brain’s synapses must have been firing like all get out.

Now speaking of getting out, whether it is vain to think you could touch people’s lives and influence them buy knowing them is not for me to say. It seems more and more people in which I meet, do not want to work their life away for greed. Tell me what is wrong with just being comfortable? You do not have to work yourself to death to be happy. Don’t get me wrong, my job is one of the top three things I have been blessed with in my life. It has stopped me from drinking, watching television, smoking cigars, seeing women, and eating red meat, pig, and chicken. But it has started me eating right, getting my vitamins, drinking plenty of water, fruit, juice, exercising, saving money to pay my loan faster, and teaching me what I do not want out of life. It seems all my lessons were taught to me in that fashion, if you don’t learn it this way then you learn it through a more heartfelt way. The heartfelt way is a more hurtful path; it is the one of innocence. As various few on the other side see it as being naïve.

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