I am trying to find things to do and I use to say that there was not enough time in the day but when you cut out the idiot box you realize how much time there really is. I am also trying to save money like crazy and it looks like I will be able to pay off my vehicle in another 6 months. Growing up, it meant a lot to have the car, house, wife, and 2.3 kids. Now looking at life, those are the least important things of which I can think. I have been studying religion for the past 6 months and it has been an eye-opening experience. One thing I have realized is that there are many different paths to know god. Out of all the religions I have read about, the path by which Jesus Christ teaches, is the one best for me. The life he teaches of is one of simplicity, and one of following the path which leads to love rather than the one that leads to greed.

Of what complaints do I have? I am slipping from that simple part of life I so desperately sought. There is no sense in the worry for you will be provided what is needed. This revelation I once only pretended to believe and yet where do I go from here, now that I may manage life a little easier?

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