
It has been the passing of Thirteen Moons(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) and four days after my return to the new world bringing again the full moon. The force of this place draws you to rush into everything. Go, Go, Go, you must run for the beast is chasing you, but what we do not see is that we are being chased into the jaws of a larger creature. Only patience and remaining still will save us from being devoured. I am completing the things that need to be completed and what is needed is available now and what will be needed is on the way.

“Be still and know that I am God.” What am i to do here? I am to be patient and silent. To listen and speak little for love is not in words. I have faith that all will be well if i am to remain focused and my path toward service to my GOD. I feel tired upon returning to this world but in time i hope to adjust.

I learned today that it is not just a government I am to speak out against. For governments only do what the people allow it to do. The government is of the world and those who partake in it are also of the world. The spirit is not of the world and is therefore not concerned with things of the world. But people have the spirit and what must be used and confronted are the organizations that are to be of guidance to man to the spirit but lead not to the spirit but deal in and condone the matters of the world.

The government of this world is of economics, economics is based on capitalism, capitalism is used by big business, big business is big because of people and their demand for such worldly possessions. The power lies not in protesting while buying the product, but by using that which can never be taken away from you, the power to choose. It is not governments, organizations, not institutions that must change but the individual must change. But they must choose to change, the change must not, will not and cannot be forced. For we will learn to love and live or we shall decide to destroy and die. Man’s end is inevitable but the spirit is eternal. The spirit is life. The spirit is love.

How do you learn of a love that is not worldly? By renouncing the world and living the life as told by the CHRIST that gave his life as man’s greatest example of love.

The ending of this week shall be the ending of my separation unto my GOD. I am to sacrifice my worldly way of life and become a servant of GOD, without blemish.

To sacrifice the worldly way of life means to do all things with no thought of self. Self does no longer exist. For now, what does exist is the spirit where I live and my GOD are one.

My GOD that is of the spirit, that is eternal, that has never not existed nor shall never not exist. I joyously give thanks for the eternal patients given toward me so that i may not depart from your grace but would become awake to the countless blessings that are showered upon me every second of my existence and even now into my life. I give thanks for all blessing that i have knowledge of and for also the ones that i know not of. The knowledge of true justice that is of the spirit and not of the world.

Of Mercy, Forgiveness, and Compassion, for these I thank you. The example of a life based upon love given to us, I thank you for. May the spirit nourish my body and allow me to enable the soul, nourished by the spirit, to purify the body by the control of its desires. Let the spirit strengthen me so that I am led not into the path of temptation but that which delivers me from evil. Allow me to forgive others so that I may be forgiven. It is the giver of the spirit I wish to serve by serving my fellow man. I pray to become a willing and able servant who is strong in spirit, has knowledge of absolute and pure love, who sees you in all things, has ears to hear your messages, and a body that is fit to house the spirit that is my GOD. Forgive me of my failures and my weakness but for those that occur, give me the sight to learn from them so that they may become a strength to me in service. Let spiritual words be upon my lips. Let my actions be guided by love. I give most thanks for the Savior-christ that was given to this world to show us what had not been shown to us before nor could be shown from that which if of the world. For it is the spirit that is only that which truly exists. Guide me, protect me. All this i pray to my GOD, the giver of the spirit to man. -Amen



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