Let me start with the most recent thoughts that have been occurring in the conscience and the subconscious. The exact date of the idea is unknown but I did know that it should have been done long ago. So, what I have decided to do is to stop all input of the boob tube, idiot box, no brainier. It has become an addiction to our society and harbors in us seeds that grow and make us lack common courtesy and care for our brothers. For it contains images of violence, hate, greed and makes them look appealing.

For over twenty-six years I have been using the TV as the major source of knowledge. In the long run I have spent more time in front of it than studying other points of life. So now I have made a decision, I will completely cut out television and all violent movies unless of historical reference. Instead of watching television, my time will be spent with tea, expressing my creative and artistic side, shutting myself off from society, and questioning God. At this stage I still have cable but have sent my bill back without payment and on it was written:” please cancel my service”. Now there is the waiting, I am still drawn to it and have turned it on once in the past two days. Even while I was watching, I constantly flipped through the channels because there was nothing but junk on. I left it on for about one and half-hours then I was helped out and went outside for a walk down to the beach. The sky was partly cloudy with winds out of the west at ten to fifteen knots. I had wanted to go sailing today but did not get out of work till late. This has been going on for the past year and I am realizing that maybe I was not meant to work in this environment, it is entirely too hectic.

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