This pen does not write as fluid as the fountain pen. I have used the word fluid thrice today. Twenty-one days into the New Year and at this point in time I am getting ready to start exercising. I have ordered an apparatus that I have been meaning to get for some time now. With…
Ah, the first writing of the New Year. I am still apart from Harem10. She came by last night to ask for the first-class trip money and to give me a coupon for glasses which I got Friday. They cost me two hundred sixty-seven dollars for things to put on my face. I still am…
This morning I woke up, took a shower, got dressed for work, walked Bachuas and on my way to my vehicle stopped by and broke up with Harem10. I had my doubts that I should not do it but then ten forty-three a.m. came around. Either I am not ready or she is not the…
I finished the remaining task on Job’s boat today; that was the wiring of the lights. For the bow lights, I bought a portable one. I have been spending a good bit of time with Harem10 who moved into the condos, just two doors down. I kissed her for the first time a couple of…
Distant things of the past; childhood. I have been trying to figure out who I was when the ages where young, less than nineteen. I slowly seem to be coming around to understanding my sisters. I am on the verge of tears thinking of it now. No one will be able to be close to…
It is almost two months to the day of my 26th birthday. Today I came to the realization; there is a frog hopping across my porch, but that is not it. The realization is that I am a bastard. I think my childhood has had a great impact on my mind. This weekend was enjoyable…
All is good and nothing really to complain about; except maybe the fact I do not have a woman. I do think that the situation may be for the best though. I am over Harem3 and went out with Harem9 a few times; man, she is a gorgeous girl. I asked out Harem11, Harem6’s friend,…
I am not going to read last month’s journal entry until I finish this one. Things are going well these days; since the promotion life has been good except for the act of dating. One was too young and the other is far too busy and I will not chase. I have been taking care…
A month it seems has passed since my last writing and the wedding has taken place. Now that got me! It has taken a week to recover from that and I still need some more time. It was a glorious affair and time well spent with friends. Harem3 and I ended up together that night…
When time passes it goes by with two rocket engines at full throttle strapped onto it. I am sitting out on the patio not wanting to smoke, watch television or read. A great deal has happened since my last writing three months ago. I am over Harem3 to a very large degree, I have gotten…