What do you think is my new extension at my new job? Nothing other than 1222 (1, 2, 3, 4). It is now time for me to not generally focus on the spiritual but to focus on the ideas that were planted and now they must begin to grow. I must again bring the ideas…
It is apparent humanity will not return to a simple life of living solely in nature and yet at current they are bent upon its destruction. So here i stand at a point i have known would arrive. Where in, is the compromise? I return to technology only realizing i never left it. I have…
Jul/Aug 2001 – 1 – 2002 – 2 – 2003 – 3 – 2004 This will be the beginning of the next two-year cycle. Not remembering at the moment my complete vision, it is to be with most assuredly, Sevgilim’s development in her education. Mine of course will be in the last but my understanding…
Today was what maybe my last day working at a job in manual labor. When i say manual labor, i mean digging in the dirt using a shovel, using a hammer to drive nails, using a saw to cut wood, using a maul because my fleshy hands are too soft. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
I started this section to tell of nature and how it’s being, it’s example sets the stage for mankind’s actions but humanity sets the stage for all things. It is not the laws of nature that are dominate but it is what humanity decides to make its laws. If mankind would be kind, nature would…
Everything is spiritual. How may i simplify it more? Everything is spiritual. It is as CHRIST states, one realizes what they are when they come to terms that it is not from an evolutionary process that they exist nor is it from the capriciousness of another’s actions they came into existence but they have life…
My new job ended two days ago. I am just now beginning to see the lessons it was teaching me. It was a vision unto itself. But it’s most remembered lesson to date was on just that, vision. Woe, woe, woe, the time for weaning has come. Mankind’s must need is to become adults quickly…
VoipAGE has gone belly-up. I will go back to house leveling for a while. I will see Sevgilim less, on the weekends… We must start dancing. For the two-weeks previous there were auspicious events, now realizing “everything” that happens is a spiritual meaning. As CHRIST spoke, blessed are the ones who do not see themselves…
I was drawn to this idea people cling to of survival. Survival of the physical, an animalistic instinct. Yet survival of the physical is extinction of the soul and forsaking spiritual evolution. You may be animal or you maybe spiritual. My dreams have returned because i am slowly allowing clarity to come in. My job…