

Back thought time I have gone, back to the beginning to find that the information given to me, for the reason mankind is what he is and how it is, is because of the eye. For what had been given was that mankind began to look around itself and to see the nature of the



To become, to develop, to evolve. Upon my return to my native land, I have been spending my time doing yoga, running errands and watching movies. Winter is still here and it shall remain for more weeks to come. The roots are germinating but I am having to stay; a want to have the sprout



My first spiritual journey was one for the heart. This second was one of the minds…now that remains is to develop the co-operation of the body, of which I owe much thanks and gratitude to Suriander Singh.



We have returned back, once again, to my native land. Tonight, is the full moon and I awaking early this morning, did my yogic exercise. The first day after our return, I looked up and beheld an owl perched upon a limb, looking toward the west-southwest. To the tribes of the native Americans, the owl



Two days before my return to the states, Sevgilim opens a paper and finds the horoscope of… Leo: You display self-esteem in personal relationships and true confidence in professional aspects. Travel and change bring in a new perspective whereby you gain inner balance and stability in the outside world. Unexpected opportunities and happenings can surprise



We were surprised with the occurrence of a wild elephant on our arrival back into Rishikesh after forty-two hours of travel from Chennai. We arrived a few hours before sunrise and crossed the Ganga over a swinging bridge while overhead was a clear night full of stars. Then just before the turn into Shiva, I



A lazy Sunday in Kumily, India, as I sit out on the veranda beneath coconut trees within a cloud that is filled with rain, sipping a cup of hot tea, feeling a gentle breeze, listening to the local sounds of children, rickshaws and adult conversation as the dishes for dinner cook, sending their flavors into



So many statements are erroneous when applied to a spiritual existence. For everything that happens is for a spiritual reason and all are constantly in the presence of the spirit. But many, the mass does not know, so they act talk and think carelessly, flippant, and selfishly for they have carnal eyes not spiritual ones,



A week under the Goan sun. Not much sleep was had last night as my thoughts were of many things. One of which was, during my last travel, much conversation was had with the personification of a spiritual being. But for some time now, this conversation has not been, for once more an idea has



It is a beautiful Sunday morning as I sit on our upstairs balcony in Anjuna, Goa, India. The skies are clear, no humidity and a light breeze. We will be going to the beach just as soon as I finish my tea and she finishes her coffee. There are different types of birds in different