Many still days have been upon me. Tomorrow that will change for at least a day. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
Many still days have been upon me. Tomorrow that will change for at least a day. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
Now enters the Age of Aquarius and the Atlantean priests are reemerging. The sealed scrolls of Daniel and John are now being made know by an untold many. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
I know enough to get across multiple countries within a day in any capricious manner but what good has that done me? Is that learning something that is useful for me in the service of my GOD? So much talk of relationships has been discussed on Thera (the sun!). This island, which was once known…
Winter has come to the island on this morning after the night of the full moon. My ferry leaves today and will begin my way north into the bitter coldness to see my friend before I return south. I wait to see what the journey will bring. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
I am not leaving this island unchanged. For it was for my benefit that those highly attained people who lived here were scattered. The question is; what do I do from here? No more sweets, no more soda, more silence, no more untruth or the stretching of the facts even though I know or feel…
Tonight, was the fifth full moon (2,3,4) and as all things are as they should be, it found me in Atlantis. In finding me here where I was living with myself, in an ever-present quadruple self-ascertained knowledge. I shall leave here knowing that it is very possible that much dread is to come upon me…
I shall be leaving Greece only to return and spend time with the monks at Athos and if my journey continues, I will leave all I have known of western thought and life and venture either into the heart of Africa or to the unknown east, or both. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
It would have been well for me to leave Thera on a solemn note but I shall be running away to escape the firing of the guns that have already become to come near. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
The family went to the beach today while I stayed behind to clean and get things in order for Ryan’s departure tomorrow. Paul, Angela, and I will move to the larger room and reside here for the remaining next days. Now to address relationships, which I had, spoke of earlier. I have spent much time…