

This ferry ride is taking a good length of time. It is helping me develop my patience even more which needs to happen. For i have a day and a half bus ride next. Now i am also getting tired of travel and soon it shall most likely be over. For two years i have



The rain has started and little sleep will be had tonight, less that the two previous. I am now thinking it best to call Sevgilim before leaving Istanbul because i have a feeling that she maybe on holiday. GOD’s will be done, whatever happens i will use to serve him.



I am returning to Sevgilim for two reasons. One, what is she desiring to do after graduation and two carnal desire? For the second, i wish to be safe and take responsibility. I will see if she will use protection or abstain or play with a loaded gun. If we abstain i am unsure how



I am on board the ship now. The crew has said that the boats are now running from Rodos to Marmaris daily so that shall be my path instead of taking the long way to Ankara. This should take a day off my travel and bypass the main land of Greece. Many beautiful, or rather



I remember telling Mowad there was a whole nation waiting on me. A whole nation that i still do not care to talk with at present. People from the states arrive, i hear them speak and i excuse myself of course. I have been a traveler and had that thought pattern and have moved on



In retrospect, hindsight being 15-20, my service was to go to one man in his darkest hour and teach him of GOD and responsibility in all ways of life. For almost two full days i was with him. His blindness was healed for the last few days he had been telling me what he sees/saw.



Now Hyme wants more money for staying here and so i told Mowad i would tell him that i will be leaving in two or so days. Mowad said, “stay with me, I have no money.” and he has yet to do anything. After saying that he pulled out twenty-five shekels for me to walk



Mowad’s wife does now have a boyfriend and she, no way wants him back. She is kind enough to let him see his children. Now she will give him the divorce he has wanted and he is mad at her and him for noticing each other and does not know if they have even kissed.