more and more visions

579_More and more visions

I am on a white plain. Everything is black and white. I am surrounded by soldiers who are warring. In the distance i see a silver plane, like that of a jumbo jet. Below the plane, it is caring a bomb almost its same size. The soldiers see the plane coming and the bomb is

more and more visions


Neo, Morpheus, Trinity… Neo on top of a train fighting hundreds. Morpheus on the ground holding his injured ankle. Trinity running toward the train being chased by thousands. All look tired and beaten. Neo realizes something, he looks at Morpheus and he realizes the same thought, they look at Trinity and she has the same



I am feeling, not well but good. My sickness has gone and a greater sense of peace is once again beginning to overtake me. It shall be enough, that at present to do unto others, as i would have them do unto me, to return kindness for hate and good for wickedness. Not that i



Sevgilim asks me why, why do we feel we must breed; I tell her that it is our instinct, “Why”, again she asks; because we are made of cells like all things organic and cells have one purpose, that is to produce other cells so that they may continue, so that they may form what



I search through the web for certain direction about certain facts. I present myself with them and contemplate on the outcome / possibility of each, then i factor in my faith in my spiritual father and allow the spirit to make my way straight, to accept whatever comes straight to me. It is great to



What are we doing? How long shall this sword be soaked in blood; how long shall we talk of war? We are acting like a spoiled child lashing out wildly to be paid attention to and the parent smacking the child down to the floor, ordering it to do as it has been told.



I am reminded of the dream i had where Sevgilim and i had drove to a place where we had to give payment to a monster. We had no money so we ran away to hide into the night on a snow-covered ground, being chased by the monster, searching for us on a snow-mobile. It



My dream last night began with Sevgilim and myself trying to honestly gain access into some building. After being inside, I saw it was large and open, filled with people. The whole place was dimly lit and i found myself separated from her, while hiding from someone looking for us because, according to him we



What do you think is my new extension at my new job? Nothing other than 1222 (1, 2, 3, 4). It is now time for me to not generally focus on the spiritual but to focus on the ideas that were planted and now they must begin to grow. I must again bring the ideas