

The winter solstice has again just past… The shortest time of the continual light, in this hemisphere and a time of holidays and activity level, my activity level, severely lessened.  And with the winter also came the rain, yet daily the light increases in its continuance.  But is it not a time to be dormant



Self: selfishness – mankind is naturally selfish.  Driven from the programmed instinctual necessity to contain one’s genetic code.  To do this it was necessary to consider self before others and it is only recent that we have, to a degree, moved out from the confines of the basic need for survival as a species.  But



The cool cloudy days have come.  The sun comes up late and sets early, not giving much time to be out in it.  The hair becomes longer as the days grow shorter and so i find other things to do to put me in the sun. Yet there are things that i must put more



More and more removal of unnecessary damaging self-induced programming.  More removal of that which brings discord in relationship.  More and more of self-induced programming that is the addition of necessary, helpful, beneficial sorts.  Reaching back to lay hold of the harmony between the temporal and spiritual.  During this, i found a thread about being beings



While all this yet continues to happen, i await to see if this crippleness is also an inhibitor.  Does disfunction of the body limit spiritual development as does any type of sense that feels, whether physical, emotional or mental?  For it is a blockage but does this mean a cripple cannot evolve spiritually?  No but



These days are simple.  There is the job which is becoming less self-induced stress.  Letting go of the feeling with it that i am never doing enough.  I have once again began taking enjoyment from doing the job, taking the time to do it right. These days are simple.  My interactions are very limited.  Mostly



The summer continues as well as the rides to the beach, bathing in the surf and dried by the sun. Hansel was in my dream last night and in that dream, he had had surgery and was in recovery.  With that and all my talk of identification with the flesh and that it is little



Take all matter of sin upon yourself. Do not be led to irritation. Forgive all for every offence. Bring the kingdom of heaven into the world – (yet what do we consider the kingdom of heaven?) I do not intend to wear crowns, pave streets with gold or build mansions in which to live… Think



It is soreness that i feel.  The soreness that comes from making the thirty-mile round trip to Silver Strand, to swim and body surf in the Pacific.  I do this on the bike, constantly pushing myself.  I have yet to come to terms with slowing down and enjoying the ride.  For it is enjoyable to



The Days of Summer 2014 Summer solstice: the beginning of the harvest but it might simply be that i have come ripe for picking.  Two years have passed since coming to this new place.  2 of the 222.