I went through the Harem3 old thing about asking Harem2 to marry me again. I was going to do it until I called her from the hotel. I had a strange dream the night before that she had been raped and killed; all I could do was just cry in my dream. It is eleven-forty…
Today is Valentine’s Day and I have been in California for three days. Sunday, I had a few drinks in the hotel bar when I arrived and got situated. Monday, I went to the HP seminar and meet a couple of guys that will be partaking in the training with me. Today I drove into…
Harem10 came over today; it is the first time I have seen her in eight months. She has put on a little weight but still looks good. We went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch and then by the hospital to pick up my check for my trip to California. After that we went back to…
Robin Graham and Graham Donahue both have said that we need something to strive for, tension, a goal, or an ambition. Otherwise as Robin put it, A man just sits in the doldrums. The journey to my next goal would be called unreasonable as others have called my goals in the past.
I say that I do not judge others but I only condemn their actions. Is not the act of condemning the judgment of that which they do is wrong? It is something else I must take time to overcome. Exert your will upon no one but only live the truth, as you know it, for…