

It is winter and as I write, I am looking out the window at the life of this world, as I burn my myrrh. I say life but it is life that is dormant, waiting for spring and a time of renewal.



Although the understanding of chaff and wheat have come, it is with an upwelling of attachment to humanity, to mankind, to the temporary life that surrounds, that is bringing tears to my eyes as I watch Sunshine.



With the fulfillment of the vision, the day that was the representation of the birth of humanities salvation had come. December 25th had not been meant as a physical birthday of Immanuel, in order to overshadow the celebrated birthday of the pagan sun god but its spiritual meaning was symbolic of scriptures from several cultures



It is difficult to know where to begin, so let us begin at present. Tonight, is the full moon of the winter solstice. As the moon rises, Mercury is following close behind, as though chasing it across the sky. With this event comes a new era, which is an ending of the current solar cycle.



Yet still the inspirations and intuition come. There is much talk about the coming of the year 2012 and its ending of calendars and various writings of different cultures touch on this date. Many believe it is another DOOMS day and the ending of the world. While others believe that it will mark a change



As i retired last night, i asked for understanding of the events that had occurred, through the day and of the purity of my thoughts and as i closed my eyes, i beheld a vision and the vision was such. I saw people fleeing away from poisoned water, a polluted river in which they had



So, with the spiritual semblance of the Father, being the power of heaven and earth, the mother being the thought of heaven and earth, the child is christ and christ is love. And so with the return of christ, as we enter the Aquarian Age, which was spoken of by another appearance of CHRIST: When



Sevgilim has gone to Turkieye to sell her house and buy us one located on the Med. Something i have always longed for and it has also come to pass…? While she has been gone, i have been fasting. For the first three days, all was well but today was the day of dominance. I



Where, where to begin. All has become known. There are no more questions to be asked. On a day of thanksgiving, with my family, by blood, gathered. The one leading the prayer, prayed for their god to be with their war troops and with that rang the cord of disharmony. Then as more day’s past,



After once again beginning the process of working upon myself, it appears that my conversations have once again began. Yet rather than trying to drive others with a scourge, the discussions are based upon ideas, beliefs and knowledge. Mostly beginning with defining the definitions of how each of us uses those words in our application.