
All things once again begin anew upon this 2010. For at its ending, the thoughts found were of starting or rather checking out a personal business geared toward less impact in the area of yard maintenance and the other thought was that of investment toward more environmental companies in the future of money needed for



New Year’s Eve and a full moon is on the rise. Today was met with a barrage of petty nuisances. No matter what it was I was attempting to flow through, it would just not smoothly go. Finally, I made it home after a day of not becoming frustrated or irritated and began my hatha



Another day for the birth of the sun god has come. The sun has not yet risen, as I. As the aroma of burning frankincense fills the room, my thoughts are drawn toward feelings of irritation, which have been brought on by the watching of documentaries, dealing with environmental issues. The same issues that brought



It was in co-operation which I have been speaking of. Working in co-operation with the body so that it can understand what it’s purpose, in the fullest sense is to be. Not merely procreation and a long healthy life. For in its ignorance, it knows these things as the bearing of children and consumption, which



As I sat in meditation, I was watching an event take place which was the watching of my actions. As before, when the dark sky was held apart, I gazed forward and before me I beheld a sphere. Yet this sphere was not an object but a glimpsing of another sight. For as I was



As I started upon the last ancient idea, as I proceeded upon its path, I found there was nothing to be found. For this path leads to no destination only to come around again, to being again, beheld by the children returning as men. It is well worn; it has been so for a great



While in meditation, the seed planted of the ancient idea was watered. It’s germination was in the soil of the Popul Vuh. For as the long count Mayan calendar comes to an end, it may only begin with one of four of the 20 day names of a solar cycle and within that solar cycle



As I sat in Meditation a thread was given unto me and the thread was at its beginning this: As I started riding the bicycle my thoughts were given to having flats and the hassle of the fixing there of and so the fixing there of was numerous. After so many fixings, I ordered a



For before beginning the morning, I found myself back in India, traveling through the country with others, with Sevgilim. Then we approached a watery way and boarded a boat that was like unto an airboat. The driver was playing in its control, causing it to flip over and we all were on the hull which