

He They shall separate himself themselves from wine and strong drink and shall drink no vinegar of wine or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he they drink any liquor of grapes nor eat moist grapes or dried. All the days of his their separation shall he they eat nothing that is made of the



Fifth Initiation The fifth has to do with monadic merge, whereas the third initiation had to do with the merging with one’s soul or higher self. The fifth has to do with merging one’s consciousness with one’s monad and spirit. The fifth initiation has to do with freedom from blindness, a liberation that enables the



Fourth Initiation Referred to as the renunciation and/or initiation of crucifixion. It has to do with freedom from all self-interest and the renouncing of the personal life in the interest of a large whole. Even soul-consciousness ceases to be of importance and a more universal awareness, one closer to that of the spirit, takes place.



Third Initiation The third initiation has to do with developing self-mastery over the mental body and hence over the three-fold personality. This initiation is also referred to as the soul merge. It is at this initiation that the disciple becomes blended and merged with the higher-self and becomes a soul-infused personality. The disciple is no



Second Initiation The main lesson of the second has to do with mastery of the astral and/or emotional body. This initiation has to do with sacrifice and death of desire. The lower nature is rapidly being controlled. The astral elemental is controlled and the emotional body becomes pure, limpid and serene. Three keynotes for the



First Initiation The key lesson of the first initiation has to do with mastery of the physical plane/body and vehicle. Control over the physical body must have reached a high level. The sins preoccupations of the flesh must be dominated. Gluttony, drink and licentiousness must no longer control the disciple. A certain structure of right



Good deeds are not enough. All must be disregarded before the scale can begin to be balanced. For good deeds will never outweigh man and items that are of the world. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/



You made me cry And i walked away so that you would not see The way i act toward you to make you feel this way this way is something i should not be doing and yet I do not see I am You showed me myself, i behave like a child caught in a



The design is interesting. As I have been seeding the cloud with the archetype algorithm and at the same time re-reading, again, those entries a new meaning has become clear. For example, the vision I had with the vast hall and the hall of learning, where I first saw Sevgilim. Now the section to where



August 6 2020 as covid-19 rages. Idiocracy is raging while at the same time we are looking to space. I rode with Sevgilim to her work and I have been working from the car while she checks others hygiene. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/