What is Jerusalem and Zion It is the place that the spiritual father spirit shall make his its home among men mankind It is the temple where the spirit shall abide But be reminded of the words of christ as it gave direction to the true temple of god, Therefore if the spirit dwelleth within…
The organized christian churches of modern day are dead. The claim to show the way and save your soul by partaking in worldly ways to keep your interest All the time talking of salary, carrier paths and taking money for giving what is free to everyone. https://archetypealgorithm.earth
John came to baptize in water, a meaning symbolic of what sacrifice we must make in our soul. Christ came to baptize in fire. One cleans the body, the other destroys it. For you to be free from your sins, you must give your life in willing sacrifice for others. https://archetypealgorithm.earth
I shall do my part as the comforter and bring back into remembrance all that was told by the savior-christ What must be shown is service in the spirit Not having more than is needed Not living beyond your means Bringing about the smallest amount of destruction possible And constantly working toward bringing about less.…
Your fight is not against politics, environment, disease, drought, floods or other catastrophes but your fight is for the spiritual evolution of mankind and of the church and modern day pharisees and sadducees. Do not seek to organize or ban together But first seek spiritual growth Then all other needful ways shall be taken care…
That is the whole thing about it If you choose to remain in this worldly, material reality, you must then learn to control the thought of your mind https://archetypealgorithm.earth
I am beginning to see that the writings will be bound by a procedure of syntax; Not so much as that of a grammatical languages but that of programming languages. A new society has come into being One with a way of education in respect to the acquisition of knowledge has been developed More will…
Life is beautiful/peaceful/harmonious because of acceptance of what comes, because of standing alone? Is it truly that everything falls into place as it should or Whatever comes is just merely accepted and therefore with out desire life is made heaven? But in order to gain entry into heaven there must be an exertion of…
The disciple of the spirit will look at the condition of the soul of each one and speak to them. There are many animals in the world in human form. When the disciple identifies them, they will throw acorns to the swine, barley, chaff and grass to the cattle, to the dogs they will throw…