

Sevgilim and i had the most misunderstanding as of yet, last night. We had gone over to Ci’s and meet Brook. Ko was there also. During the night she said she and Ko had to go to the studio and were saying goodbye for the night. She was leaving me at Ci’s and she left.



I asked Sevgilim about the seven things and she did not even wish to take that much. Most important to her was the stereo, she asked what i would want and i said the buddha. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/



Will Sevgilim and i be together always? I know not nor will i continue to waste thought and energy with it as a concern. We have three months for me to learn before i must leave again and then in the states i will know more of my path and she may remain with me



With my life going in the current direction my delusions of grandeur are subsiding and i am getting to the point of living the life of current existence and not racing to leave my brothers and sisters behind but to remain with them and help with the harvest. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/



Sevgilim and i are still having sex without protection and the days of some safety have passed. Today i will buy preservatives and next month she will begin taking birth control. If you cannot not have sex then you must marry and if she gets pregnant. Although neither of us wish to bring children into



I need first to talk with Sevgilim about her world of acting and theater. A world of favors for good career parts. Best question to ease her hurt: “If you had a casting call for a type of movie you had waited to be in all your life with people you thought were the best



What makes me unsure about Sevgilim? It is all the things in her life, in her house. When she returns, I will ask what seven things she would like to keep if all but seven things had to go. I will also try to start her healing, starting with her diet in daily life. A



Of course, it is a coincidence that i will be returning to my Israel, which is the United States at around the age of thirty which is when Jesus-Christ began his ministry (what means teachings) and i go to the US to begin mine. His stand took him to Jerusalem which would be to me



So, our justice system is a waste to our time and a waste of anything close to a perception of justice. It is nothing more than the witch hunt that the previous worldly authorities reveled in. Continuance, but now it is not the same for since it started, it has grown more tenacious and doing



Sports, physical activities that make the adrenalin rush come. Our society runs after thinking that by doing acts of jumping out of planes, off cliffs, climbing mountains, diving into subterranean waters filled with trenches, going fast in machines or in a slow boat in dangerous seas, that this is strength, this is courage. We are