

July 1 has just past 01-1-02-2-03-3-04-4-05 The beginning of my preparedness for the final 2 of the 3 2’s. The spirit is within, i feel its strength in overcoming such worldly temptations. I know where i am to begin. It is not to be clouded in mystery for there is nothing simpler than the truth.



Tomorrow will be the beginning, the beginning of the fourth year since i have re-entered the land of my birth. It is as was told but of what use is honor. I must now focus on my resurfacing, for the plunge had taken me, although not to the bottom, to a very deep depth. I



All these things have some meaning. I am being made known to something. What is it? Dream 1 Breakdown: Sevgilim going in another direction going fast and out of control slowing down and having a gentle trip seeing ruins of native America being told my transportation was gluttonous Dream 2 Realizing how powerful you really

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This is becoming a book of visions. I found myself in the clouds, going down to a place i was to go. Upon arriving, i noticed i was in an airport and going to get on a plane. In front of me was a dark child who inquired of me, how i had known the

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As i have stated, nothing is of coincidence. I found myself walking in New Orleans, around St. Peter’s cathedral, going inside, i dipped my three fingers, pointer, middle and ring, into a bowl of priestly blessed water. I crossed it on my forehead, ran it down the backside of Sevgilim’s neck and returned into the

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At Kenneth and Lynn’s. Mother was there, Se, Carol, Jac and Myself. I was fighting daemons outside in the front yard. Swinging full circle on a tree limb flying clear to the other side of the yard. I landed in a puddle of water, landing like Neo on the roof top of the Oracle’s building.

more and more visions

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Sevgilim and I are being chased by a beastly multitude. In order to keep away from them we must cross a river by way of three islands. As we reach the bank of the river, three creatures appear beside the islands, in the water, meaning to block the way. One creature for each island. I

more and more visions

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I am on a white plain. Everything is black and white. I am surrounded by soldiers who are warring. In the distance i see a silver plane, like that of a jumbo jet. Below the plane, it is caring a bomb almost its same size. The soldiers see the plane coming and the bomb is

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Neo, Morpheus, Trinity… Neo on top of a train fighting hundreds. Morpheus on the ground holding his injured ankle. Trinity running toward the train being chased by thousands. All look tired and beaten. Neo realizes something, he looks at Morpheus and he realizes the same thought, they look at Trinity and she has the same



I am feeling, not well but good. My sickness has gone and a greater sense of peace is once again beginning to overtake me. It shall be enough, that at present to do unto others, as i would have them do unto me, to return kindness for hate and good for wickedness. Not that i