

The family went to the beach today while I stayed behind to clean and get things in order for Ryan’s departure tomorrow. Paul, Angela, and I will move to the larger room and reside here for the remaining next days. Now to address relationships, which I had, spoke of earlier. I have spent much time



I have given away my sandals to my friend Ryan, whom I meet in the hostel on Thera. The last few days have given way to my boat shoes hurting my feet. Although I shall not ask for them back, they may be returned by his good will. They were his on the island but



Painting gives me no more pleasure but then again, what do I have use of pleasure? or What use have I of pleasure? So, I shall rid myself of the watercolors that I have been carrying around since my journey began.



I have become lazy on the island and am eating more than when my land journey began. I am healthier at this point in a nomadic state where I am constantly moving and experiencing. The next full moon may find me on this island of my boyhood interests.



Now the group has diminished in number and four of us have left the hostel and found a cleaner and more costly place. I have spoken about all that I hold dear and have gotten their viewpoints and now the conversation has become one of small talk to a large degree. I feel that it



Another fact I came across is yet still how people equate love to disparate relationships. They hold not to universal love to where all and everyone is your dearest relative but give way to love that is lacking because of the physical being or commonality that is developed to certain individuals over an extended period



There have been several rising and setting suns since I have arrived in Thera. First, I arrived on the island and went to Kamari. The whole area was closed and being early in the morning, I slept on the beach with comfort thanks to my carpet purchased in Crete and a k-9 companion that was



I sit on another ferry waiting to depart to Thera. We are scheduled to get underway at 1600 and arrive at 0300. I am not sure as of now what my plans are for the next week of my life. On the beach yesterday and as my goal of today I cannot just stop and



I will need to learn Spanish and Portuguese for my travel and so around the Mediterranean I shall go and where I stop my Father only knows. Although I have this path, I have far to go. Yet am I not to forsake my own desires and renounce all things that are worldly? Does this