

Intolerance is ignorance matured. To rebuke a foolish person for their wrong doings is to call down abuse from above. It takes a long time for light to break into the shell of prejudice and patience is the lesson that nee be leaned. The hardest stone is worn away by constant water dropping. The sweet



Your priests live off the wages of the poor. Your lawyers, doctors and scribes are but tumors on the body of the state, they toil not, neither do they spin, yet they consume the profits of your markets of trade. Your rulers are adulterers, extortioners and thieves, regarding not the rights of any man. And



4.Seeds do not germinate in light; they do not grow until they find the soil and hide themselves away from light. Humanity was made a seed of everlasting life but the light was far too great for the seed to grow and so humanity sought the soil and in the darksomeness of earth it found



This is the age of man mankind, the age of faith. In this blest age the human eye will see not with carnal eyes; will hear the soundless sound and will know the spirit-God. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



The idea of the utopian world. The theory of Atlantis along with the Jews Development and life of Atlanteans What all those who’s jobs ended turned their attention toward. [helping humanity] Housing, farming, irrigation, building needs to more resources Letters to and from sun worshipers on visits from the priests of Atlantis (Thira) Last letter



The material, the physical, the desires associated with the body are an illusion. The illusion will pass away for it is not eternal. And so why would one desire to partake in that which is not of eternity? For is there any gain in wasting in that which does not bear good fruit and which