

Of course, it is a coincidence that i will be returning to my Israel, which is the United States at around the age of thirty which is when Jesus-Christ began his ministry (what means teachings) and i go to the US to begin mine. His stand took him to Jerusalem which would be to me



So, our justice system is a waste to our time and a waste of anything close to a perception of justice. It is nothing more than the witch hunt that the previous worldly authorities reveled in. Continuance, but now it is not the same for since it started, it has grown more tenacious and doing



Sports, physical activities that make the adrenalin rush come. Our society runs after thinking that by doing acts of jumping out of planes, off cliffs, climbing mountains, diving into subterranean waters filled with trenches, going fast in machines or in a slow boat in dangerous seas, that this is strength, this is courage. We are



How has God not blessed me? My dreams are becoming a reality. I see the way i want the world to be and it is. So, with my act of will becoming manifest into this world, it is utmost and imperative that i come to know love and be a selfless-servant to my eternal unbegotten



Last night Sevgilim came home late from rehearsal and when she got to bed i of course was awake to talk with her. We started sharing affection and the strength that i asked my Father for was given to me. I had prayed he strengthen me in the spirit in any a form he knew



Death and the waste of energy associated with the remains of a carcass, a lifeless piece of flesh. Let the dead bury the dead. Dig a hole, throw it in the forest or sink it in the ocean. Do not encase it in a titanium coffin designed to hold the bones of a corpse for



Sevgilim was hurt when i asked about Ahmed but she soon forgave me after I explained why. This culture is much more affectionate between friends. It shows another view of how, in the states, people do not know how to show love and caring. If a person from the states would show the same closeness



People’s lives are/You must not let your life be preoccupied with perceived problems. It is as though they cannot think straight and as i know they do not. They live in an instinctual mind and have left undeveloped the spirituality and intuitional greater sections of the brain, that when used, begins to exercise and grow



Sevgilim, while today she showed me pictures and in them, she is draped all over some fellow. In them were also pictures of us. One of which she carriers in her wallet. I did not know what to think. Just as when Mowad asked me what i thought about him. My answer was that i



I found a rock of tea and put it in my collar bag while in Israel, living with Mowad in Hyme’s house on the second floor in that new city of Akko. I remembered it while sitting here and so i partook of the last bit of tea i was caring. I have already changed