

The second day of the fast, which is also the Sabbath. Today i awoke and read through my book of truth. I would read until i became tired, take a nap then get up and read some more, get a little sun, read more, take a nap and in time i finished the book. A



I pray to the spirit for the food that needs to be given to my fellow humans. To help all understand that when you pray, pray not for the worldly wants or leave your prayers only to thanks. For it is only those who ask who shall receive and to ask for worldly things, you



Today began the ascetic fast. No food is to be eaten and only one bottle of water is to be drank. I talked with my friend Job for the first time in a long while. I brought our conversation past the trivial talk of jobs, houses and preoccupations to that of purpose and the spirit.



Now during this time, i have been dealing with a less than happy individual about their daily life and lethargic, non-caring nature about doing a good job. I thought to myself, why does someone take out their unhappiness on another and let everyone know how unhappy they are and try to make everyone else unhappy?



I had not heard from Sevgilim for three days. Which is the longest it had been for over six years. So, with that, my thoughts became directed toward her welfare and being of controlled mind, i turned my thoughts to those of positive rather than letting it wonder into the negative. All is out of



The simplicity of following the spirit and the blessing to be able to see and understand. In either case, i am prepared and in both ways, i am without desire driven by self. The sun is beginning to rise and so soon shall i. My thoughts are keeping me awake. And it is unwise to



The sun is setting on this sabbath. I began the morning reviewing “Temptations of a Monk”, then i went outside and sat in the sun, showered off and began my review of Absolute Truths, all the while remaining outside. I took upon myself only two activities outside of this. One was the repair of a



It is the night of the full moon. Almost 72 days since my return to the place of my birth and the place of a people like myself. Sevgilim has gone to her land of birth for a short time. After she left, i went to see my grandparents for the first time in many



It is another understanding of dualities and dichotomies in people’s minds. All religions believe they are correct in what they believe and dismiss what another scripture has to give. The current christians say Immanuel is GOD as well as the Hindus say this about Krishna. Both these beings, the groups believe, is the incarnation of



The meeting and gathering has come and passed. The day of independence has come and passed. Sevgilim and i went to see my friends from school, some as far back as first or second grade. As we entered the house, there was the sound of children and much playing. Through the night, most of the