

The path of the unknown God or GOD rather, presents itself. But we do not see the weeds and thorns hidden behind the beautiful blossoms that is a rose bush of life. We say, “I want to do it my way, I will learn the lessons that life has to teach me”. Where does the



Those who love their life shall lose it but those who give their lives for christ shall have everlasting life. It is not that we should sacrifice our lives for the sake of our religion or dogma or orthodoxy but the christ was love and we should give our life out of love for our



There is only one way but there are many paths that lead to the way. Many though stop and make their life among the paths. The christ is the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father spirit life but by him it. He showed It shows the way. His Its



There is a holy place in Indonesia you will never be able to see. Its exact location will not be revealed but it is rumored to be on the western slope of Mount Kendeng in Western Jaua. The Baudi or Kanekes live on five thousand hectares of hilly forest area just one hundred twenty kilometers



The following are sayings of Vidyapati: Eternal thought is one; in essence it is two – intelligence and force; and when they breath, a child is born; this child is love. And thus the triune God god stands forth whom men call Father-Mother-Child. This triune God god is one; but like the one of light,



The following are sayings of Vidyapati: Our priests have all gone mad; they saw a demon in the wilds and at him cast their lamps and they are not broken up and not a gleam of light has any priest for men mankind. The night is dark; the heart of India calls for light. The



The following are sayings of Vidyapati: The perfect age will not require forms and rites and carnal sacrifice. The coming age is not the perfect age and men will call for object lessons and symbolic rites. In the great religion you shall introduce to men, some simple rites of washing and remembrances will be required



The following are sayings of Vidyapati: The holy one requires man mankind to give his their life in willing sacrifice for man mankind and all the so-called offerings on alters and on shrines that have been made since time began, were made to teach man mankind how to give himself themselves to save his brother



Months ago my subconsciousness sent me a vision and the vision was thus: I was contemplating the part of technology in the world and as I was sitting before a computer terminal, I tried to gain access by using the password… VIDYAPATI* (ACCESS DENIED) The following are sayings of Vidyapati: All forms and rites are

children of selfishness


The birth of a child in this world of which envelopes injustice is our last greatest act of sheer selfishness. Most parents when asked say, with their tongue, that they love their children more than all things, even life itself. Yet by their decision to bring forth that which they love above all things into