

What advice would I think it to be a benefit to give? I would say to first find how the way is you learn best, then when you know this I would say to learn of GOD, the giver of the spirit and to learn of the christ that is love incarnate in man. When



My idea of taking the nazarite vow for the reason that it was taken by the saviour-christ hence Jesus the Nazarene, was in error. For if the saviour-christ was under such a vow, which he had thought not to partake in such things, he would not have raised Lazareth from the dead nor have shared



Thinking back on that of the creation of technology, just as man people should not partake in something just because he is they are able to, most time we should also not speak just because we can.



Once having been asked by a Pharisee when the kingdom of god would come, the jesus-christ replied, “The kingdom of god does not come with careful observation, no will people say here it is or there it is because the kingdom of god is within you.” Then he said to his disciples, “The time is



Man Mankind is never to be perfected by destruction. Only his their free will acted upon in love, forgiveness, kindness, mercy and the will to serve the good shall bring him them to the light.



It is the physical sexual craving that is of the strongest of desires; the ones not induced by drugs. It is strong and therefore the season gives account for the deed. If mankind chose to partake in sexual intercourse, then pray, they live in life. That all injustice in the world that maybe overcome, has



They shall be concerned for their own judgements; it is not for you to worry or want for you can neither give nor take from it. .every lunar cycle = one day, full to full



The resurrection has begun. The old is moving out and the new is moving in. The old is the perpetual birthing of new souls. The new are the souls of those past. Some of the new upon arrival will be awake and realize the magnitude of the era and they will be ready to lay



What is transcendence? It is when you see that you are walking toward an endless canyon and your cross over the edge without doubt or hesitation because you know the firmament matters not.



Voluntary service to your fellow man person is bringing the kingdom of GOD the spirit down to this God forsaken world. Your service, with utmost sacrifice, which is immortality driven is held to be the greatest attribute of the Atlantean Priest a human being. All others are secondary to this. When the service is given