

Fifth Initiation The fifth has to do with monadic merge, whereas the third initiation had to do with the merging with one’s soul or higher self. The fifth has to do with merging one’s consciousness with one’s monad and spirit. The fifth initiation has to do with freedom from blindness, a liberation that enables the



Back in Mobile. Sanitizing all the way here. Sitting in Houston, I had to pull out the mask and don it on, as a woman sat behind me coughing and sneezing with a runny nose. She had no concern with being covered. It is un-sick who are/must be concerned for themselves, for the sick will



Shutting everything down again we are. I had returned to Seattle where I was surrounded by massive amounts of more closely resembling me in the mind of being a coder, programmer, software engineer, computer scientist, or am I even right about thinking that is the case.  For all the while at the conference, I spoke



The outcome of the talk with hot smoke was that I am in the minority and we will be turning on the water in the community for turf. During the HOA meeting I was also told I was dictating and not going with what the committees suggested.  So today was a change from an idea



The winter solstice has again just past… The shortest time of the continual light, in this hemisphere and a time of holidays and activity level, my activity level, severely lessened.  And with the winter also came the rain, yet daily the light increases in its continuance.  But is it not a time to be dormant


We will be leaving the English Channel this P.M. and getting into the North Sea. I am glad that I got my cap, just today when departing; it was a noticeable difference between hot and cold.


Yesterday we went to the duty-free shop just outside the port. I found a much-needed hat to keep my head warm, other than that, I might just take it easy today. We left Rotterdam port five hours behind the Atlas schedule. I must say that I like the Danish. They seem to take frequent breaks


When we arrived in Rotterdam, a helicopter, while we were underway brought aboard the ship’s pilot, via lowering them from a cable; the kind of stuff you see on television. I had never been, before, that close to a flying helicopter, feeling the wind caused by the whipping rotor as it hung slightly overhead. Your


We are back under sail from Le Havre. It was a wonderful town on a quiet Sunday afternoon. They were having a feast; I think it relates to a festival, that the town has once a year. I walked until I reached the beach, then I just walked around some more, through the houses and


En François is off to the starboard. The seas are calm this morning but the air is still cooler than yesterday. I am looking forward to getting off the ship even if to just walk around the French countryside. I also must say that I am feeling good this morning. I have gotten some fresh