

I have changed my plans yet again. Instead of going to Narvik, I was to go to Tronheim, but now have decided to return to Stockholm and then to Oslo and spend about two or three days there and know the city.



The two other fellas I meet on the train told me about Santa originating in Finland. They were both sales men on a four-day drinking binge, one who had left his wife and kids at home. We talked a while and they showed me a side of Finland that has the programming from the cold

Santa Clause


So today I walked from the city to a place more north than the Arctic Circle and when I arrived, I found Santa‘s home. I do sometimes wonder how all that Santa/Saint Clause got congealed with the pagan sun god‘s birth and then had the birth of Jesus woven in. Jesus and the sun god



I arrived in Rovaniemi, Finland last night from Helsinki by train. I had meetings with four interesting people on the way. One young woman was knocking off her classes of child counselor training to go home, the other woman I assumed was Italian because she was speaking fluent Italian and had dark hair and dark


I have almost decided not to return to Holland. The only thing calling me there is the tea and today I figured that I could do without it. I must continually try to take less part in the deficiency. Tomorrow I go back to the train station to see about going more north. This is


I have noticed that people/ most people are wearing very heavy layers of clothing. As for myself, I am sweating with just a short sleeve shirt and a Henley on; they must be roasting in their gortex, wool, and fur coats.


I am on my way of still lightening my load by getting by with less and at a lesser cost. Although I did buy a recorder today, I hope to become adept at playing it. First, I must learn the notes and practice the scales before song; one thing at a time.


Helsinki is more pleasant than I initially gave it credit for. After getting off the ferry here, I got something to eat, sat in the sun, washed cloths, and went to bed until this morning. I may have to venture out tonight to see if I can catch the moon but the day has been


I am sitting on a tall rock formation that overlooks Gabriella, the ferry that will take me to Helsinki this later afternoon. From this vantage point there is a wonderful view of Stockholm. I am sitting and waiting to see if the clock tower bell will ring and if it does, will it be heard


Life is becoming full of meaning as I continue on my endeavor of spirituality, but I still have miles to go before I sleep. Last night I was talking to Alexandria from Columbia. We talked of travel and her country’s problems. I once again shared my views on the fulfillment of life and once gain