

Still that sown element [sperma] will not become known. After three generations it will become known And will free them from the bondage of the authorities error. This will not happen until the moment when the true man one, within the modeled form, revels the existence of (?) The spirit of truth, which the father



Fear not the flesh, nor love it For if you fear it, it will gain mastery over you  And if you love it, it will swallow and paralyze you. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



As ass which turns a millstone did a hundred miles walking. When it was loosed it found that it was still at the same place. There are men who make many journeys but make no progress toward any destination. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



It was said, “Many times you will desire to hear the words that I have spoken and you will have no one else to hear them from. There will be days when you will look for me and you will not find me.” So if you now hear the words that you desired to hear



If those who lead you say to you, see the kingdom is in the sky, then the birds will proceed you Or that the kingdom is in the sea, then the fish will proceed you Rather the kingdom is within you https://archetypealgorithm.earth