

The good person from the treasures of their heart sends blessedness and peace to all the world. The evil ones send thoughts that take away and wither hope and joy and fill the world with wretchedness and fear. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



Mankind was not made for the elements but the elements were made for mankind. When mankind comes to themselves and comprehends the fact that they are children of the spirit and knows that in them lie all the powers of the spirit They are a master mind and all the elements will hear their voice



It is not what one does in their life that gives them the right to enter the gate. The password is their character and their desire is their character. The letter of the law deals with acts of the mankind The spirit of the law takes note of their desires https://archetypealgorithm.earth



For the son of man did not baptize any of his disciples. But if those who where baptized were headed for life, the world would become empty. https://archetypealgorithm.earth



The question was posed: “Why are/do some go after their spiritual evolution and others do not?” Is it that some are predestined or chosen and others are not? It is a simple matter of choice and free will. We all have the calling but we choose to listen and follow or we choose not to.



Yaldaboth said, “I am God and there is none greater than I.  I alone am the father, the lord and there is no other beside me.  I am a jealous God who brings the sins of the father upon the children for thee to four generations.” Is GOD LOVE? Is love jealous? Vain? Haughty? Is