

The material, the physical, the desires associated with the body are an illusion. The illusion will pass away for it is not eternal. And so why would one desire to partake in that which is not of eternity? For is there any gain in wasting in that which does not bear good fruit and which



The church organizations are helping the drunks and drug abusers by having them stand on the street to beg for money to support a bed and food instead of begging for money for their other needs. While the church builds its greater temples for Yaldaboth instead of housing for its fellow man. Are not such



Mankind desires to feed on flesh. What a cow eats in one day may feed a man for one week. In four days, it is sustenance for a month. In one month, it is food for half a year. Yet there are those of mankind who would rather feed the desire of their flesh than



It was the savior-christ that brought that which was new into this world. Telling of wrong gods in the ethereal and/or material. “Throw away the religions of your forefathers for look what has been done in their name for you give condonement to it of killing the prophets.” Yet now the world and its weaving



It has happened rarely before that one has been speaking to only be for the hearing of itself than to be in a conversation with its fellow person. As given to me by my brother Paul, “Silence is gold”. My esoteric mysticism is being given to me more daily than nightly visions. “Worry not about



Do not give what is sacred to dogs and do not throw your pearls before pigs or they will trample then under their feet and tear you to pieces. Ask and what you ask for will be given you. Search and you will find what you search for. Knock and the door will be open



No slave can belong to two masters, for they will hate one and love the other or stand by one and make light of the other. You cannot server GOD and money. Therefore, I tell you do not worry about life, wondering what you will have to eat or drink or about your body wondering



The eye is the light of the body. If then your eye is sound, your whole body will be light. But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be dark. If therefore your very light is darkness, how deep the darkness will be.



Do not store up your riches on earth where moths and rust do destroy them and where thieves break in and steal But store up your riches in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy them and where thieves cannot break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, so your heart shall be also.