I will not succumb to my gluttony. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
I will not succumb to my gluttony. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
I have made it to Akko well before sundown. I awoke early this morning after having gone to sleep at sundown. I was up and ready for breakfast before it was time for it to be served but my Father had set it up, that this morning breakfast would be earlier than what is usually…
This morning at breakfast, i spoke again with someone who was raised a Baha’i. He was gracious enough to answer all my questions posed to him. The members of the Hall of Justice decide the correct way for the group to think. From what i had a chance to read of Baha’u’llah they too have…
It is an abomination to have a bias God. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
So, on my way to catch the bus to the university, i contemplated my early morning vision. Being on the bus as the sole passenger, the driver being the prophet(s), following the way he knew while i remained in the world, lived not myself and saw not the signs and sights along the way. Then…
Last night’s visions to my question of – am i right in following what i have been led to know and understand? I was riding in a bus watching a useless killing and action movie all the while letting someone else drive me down a path. As we went along i looked out of the…
Do not dismiss the message of a prophet because of his followers. https://sites.google.com/site/archetypealgorithm/ https://archetypealgorithm.earth/
My ritual continues upon awakening. Today I mailed a postcard to the grandparents and Sevgilim all the notes i had been writing her. Then i went to the university and began my study on the Baha’i. I finished my first book ‘The return of Civilization’ and it dealt with a Baha’i group of ‘The One…
It was a busy day. I awoke, showered, breakfast, and went to meet the Baha’i. I found them at the entrance of their dead prophet’s tomb. It is located in a well-manicured garden with untouchable trees, uneatable fruit and peacocks made of brass. The books i wanted, i could not get from their hands, not…
Tomorrow i pursue the thread that Angela, from Minnesota who was of my family in Thera, initially turned me onto. Then when in Turkey when i was in Ankara with Sevgilim, i meet a member of this thread and while on the boat from Greece to Israel, Lindsey from Canada mentioned it to Catherine, from…