
Much great discussion was had at dinner today. Scott and Graham condoned authority by the militia or government, while I told them of the life lead where it is unneeded on any level. They choose to keep it with its injustice because of their maturity. They will not think of living the life given to


We arrived at Suez last night and were able to fuel up. Then upon rising this morning much after the sun, we were already in the canal making our way north to the Mediterranean Sea. The only person I have seen, on this seeming ghost ship, this morning is Udo, sneering at me while my


I awoke this morning with the sunrise. I went outside for fresh air, then came in and shaved my head, went to the sauna, jumped in the Red Sea water, anointed my head, said a prayer of strength, and took a nap. I have renewed my Nazarite vow after breaking it initially through ignorance. I


I awoke early enough this morning to see the sun rising over the horizon of the Red Sea. I must say that I prefer going to bed early unless I stay up all night to see the new world of tomorrow enter and be created. We are steady on our course and the next couple


As we venture closer to the southern mouth of the Red Sea, the land from the Gulf of Aden encroaches us from our sides. The wind is still strong enough to blow the sand off the desert floor into the air and the ship is being covered by fine red grit. We should enter the


I had another vision today. I was lost in a vast house, searching but also aware to some degree where I was. I walked into a room that belonged to that of an innocent child and opened a closed door. Kenneth arrived telling me to keep the door shut. Kenneth representing that of authority, that


I went to bed early last night and woke up early this morning. The wind was still very strong with water coming over the bow. At zero seven thirty hours I went and had some bread with honey along with tea for breakfast then went outside to have a look around. Holding onto the rail


I just got back from the mess hall where I had some hot tea and before that I was on the bow. What a day to be on the water. We are against a strong head current with a wind at forty knots gusting to fifty knots; seas are a ten to twelve feet. While


After much about my being a Nazarite, last night I went to the galley for some tea and ended up partaking of the drink from the vine. So now my vow has been broken, in actuality, it was broken long ago when I had some grape juice, out of lack of thought, at dinner. It