

“For the son{past.injection(child)}of man in his{past.injection(their)}day will be as though lightening that flashes in the sky, lightening it up from one end to the other.” This is the teaching of Brahman, with regards to the gods. It is that which flashes forth in the lightening and now vanishes again. When then is it called like



“The kingdom of Heaven is within you.” “There is a city of Brahman, that city is the body, now what exists within that is to be sought and that is to be understood. It is the self, free from sin, free from old age, free from death and grief, from hunger and thirst, which desires



I have been guided to the Hindu scriptures. From the very beginning of the Vedas there are references to that of the sanctity of the bull and cow and the reverence of this group toward this animal. But yet why this animal? Reason being is that the religion came into being in the age of



I found myself in my creation. In a white circular room, way above the earth. It was for a chosen two to descend to the earth by means of a quick journey. They were to fall and arrive by way of using a parachute. One of the chosen was I and as I sat before



Last night I had another vision. As I was walking through a field, I came upon an old woman. She was living as though homeless and putting wood on a fire. I walked over and began speaking with her and as we talked the late afternoon turned to evening. As we talked, the stars came



Last night, a vision was given unto me: I found myself walking with Moses as he was leading the group of people into the promised land. As I walked beside him, we were talking but while we spoke, my thoughts were more affront with debating if I should tell him of the course of events



If scripture does not come to you in your native language, then there is already a deficiency. I tell you that if you are solely relying on scripture written by another, then for sure there is a deficiency. It is one thing to read scripture for seeds of ideas and thoughts that it might give,



Two days past the full moon. On this evening, I went out to sit under the stars and as I gazed into the heavens, behold!, there appeared from the north a horse that was red and he that sat upon it has been given the power to take peace from the earth and mankind will



Once again, I was being pursued. In the beginning I was unable to outmaneuver or outrun the material mass that pursued me because everywhere I touched, it was able to detect and once again found me. So once realizing this, I began my movement above the earth where it could not follow, not as though