Thy duty is only to convey the message https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Thy duty is only to convey the message https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Now for mankind When they are tired and latter given honor and gifts They become puffed up stating I am honored by my ability But when they are tired and restricted by their subsistence They cry in despair, “my god has humiliated me” https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Behold, this is the word that distinguishes good from evil It is not a thing for amusement https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Oh ye who believe Let not those among you laugh at others It may be the latter are better than the former Do not defame or be sarcastic to each other Nor call each other by offensive names Ill-seeming is a name that connotes wickedness Those who do not desist are indeed doing wrong https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Mankind has been enjoined in kindness to their parents In pain did their mother bear them and in pain she gave them birth At length when they reach the age of full strength and attain forty years, those who will say “Grant me that I may be grateful for thy favor which thou has bestowed…
Oh my people How strange it is for me to call you to salvation While ye call me to the fire https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Never was an apostle sent or a prophet before thee but when he flamed a desire, satan(self) threw some vanity into their desire But the spirit will cancel anything vain that is thrown in and the spirit will confirm and establish clear sign Obey those who ask no reward of you for themselves and who…
Closer and closer mankind comes to their reckoning Yet they heed not and they turn away Never comes aught to them of a renewed message but they listen to it in jest Their hearts toy with trifles and in their thoughts say “is this one more than a person like ourselves?” Before thee, also was…
All people shall be sent a witness against them, from among themselves We shall bring thee as a witness against thy people We have sent down to thee a book explaining all things https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Oh my, they have indeed lead astray many among mankind He then who follows my way is of me and he that disobeys me… But have we not been forgiving and most merciful https://archetypealgorithm.earth