If you were of the spirit then you would understand a spiritual meaning But you understand by the world so you are worldly If you were spiritual you would speak of spiritual things But you are of the world so you speak of worldly things https://archetypealgorithm.earth
When asked why ye are not with the church goers, thy reply shall be On their appointed days they go to hear the word and worship On those days they have a GODly direction (You cannot put new wine in old wine skins) When people defy their conscious and listen not to what they say…
There is a law one must realize Result depends on cause You can not look upon a single span of life and judge anything Is?/humanity is not a creature of clay, mankind is Humanity is part of an eternal/whole There never was a time when it was not A time will never come when it…
Verily I say to you, to whom much as been given, much is required To whom little has been given a little only is required https://archetypealgorithm.earth
When the time is ripe the master comes upon the clouds Put on your reception cloths Gird up your loins Trim your lamps and fill them full with oil and be prepared to meet your lord When you are ready, they will come https://archetypealgorithm.earth
The wealth of men does not consist in what they seem to have in lands, in silver and gold These things are only borrowed wealth No lone can corner up the gifts of GOD/the spirit https://archetypealgorithm.earth
The leaven of TRUTH will change mirky clay to solid rock You cannot haste but you can scatter forth this leaven with a generous hand https://archetypealgorithm.earth
Be on guard against the leaven of the pharisees (priests, pastors, bishops, popes, (religious leaders, leaders)) which is being thrown into every meal of life. It is a poison that will taint whatever it touches, it is hypocrisy The pharisees seem fair in speech but they are diabolical in heart They seem to think that…