Today I saw a man that I gave money to when arriving in Stockholm the day before. I gave it to him because he needed not to bare his nakedness before me. This morning he was begging again and looked much worse than the day before. This time he had a woman begging for or…
No more to Oslo to have part in the cool, damp, overcast weather. I am heading south to Hamburg. I had begun to get on a schedule last night and make travel plans. I got an alarm clock from the hostel but after wrestling with the spirit, I gave it back only to be awakened…
You almost ran over me on your bicycle in Holland, We dined on a balcony looking over the streets of Amsterdam, We talked in the hostel kitchen in Sweden, all the while you reminding me of someone else. I told you of the possibilities of man and the mind as you nursed away a cold.…
I have been on a train bound for Stockholm all night and caught some hours of sleep. This morning I understand Swedish even more, not so much the language but the conversations going on between people. I am heading south in weather that has turned from wet and cold, to gray and warm, to dry…
I am a priest of my own religion and faith just as everyone else should take the time, effort, one-pointedness of mind and intentionality to do. To deprogram themselves from the mass of society and its injustice, classifications, sterotypicalizations, and animalization. It not only keeps us from evolution of man but has us help the…
Does it matter the position of man? The body, if for the soul to partake in its desires and that is the worship of Yaldabaoth. He to serve his vanity created the soul. So, man’s position in the world from the body and soul’s point is to behave and be as animals caught in the…
I will/may go to India to see the man in my visions, if things stay on their current course. If they do not then I feel the spirit will continue to increase in its love and wisdom.
If I am not man but the spirit then my position is to save the soul by not partaking in the deficiency but loving my human family by self-sacrificing love. Why do I feel like I am not sacrificing by my current path in my travel? We are all traveling; it is just some venture…
Just to mention, I came across 222 again in Rovaniemi when going over the city map. I know it means something, most likely something about Lucedale. What I have not been doing is looking into the place where I find the 222. Next time, if there is one, I must check into the occurrence more…
Night has fallen in Lulea and although it is not as cold now that I have gone more south, the night is still damp and it affects the sound of my flute, but if I warm it up then it has its meant sound once again. I have gotten close on the first ten cords.…