The God of the land i am currently in is a GOD that only takes. For that is the God that these people worship. There will be no peace so long as the people are worshiping their current God which is Baal, that is self and to put self-first is to develop ways to put…
We are pushed and directed so that it is mostly intolerable to walk in the country of the USA, or even to ride a bike because of the un-safeness of cars not people. They push into purchasing these destructive overpriced, killing vehicles. There needs to be a change in the country for more paths, Appalachian,…
Parable of the seeds; First are those that hear of the christ and just dismiss as some organized religion. Second are those that hear it and are joyous but they put the christ into a routine, instead of making it life. Third are those who receive it and learn it with idea, but still live…
Furniture is meant to be needed by the body, not the body for the furniture.
How long will man be blind and they continue to destroy each other at the same time destroying the earth, at the same time destroying themselves. If you must kill, kill yourself to save the innocent. The greatness and wealth of living in christ is that it places the life of others above yours, but…
There should be one world language to meet our needs until enough evolution has been directed toward spirituality. The language should not be created anew but it should be the one best equipped for spiritual imagery, creativity and also should be the rarest language found on the earth. [How to decide a dispute]
I saw Khaled yesterday and i went with him back to the hostel and we talked about Mowad and the wickedness in his life. Of course, Mowad also told me of Khaled. No one trusts nor likes either of them. I must always remember to stay at the place where i arrive for the duration…
So here i am, i have been given the ability to heal the blind, to give them sight once again, to bring back the teachings of the Jesus-Christ. 222 – i am not to be the abomination of desolation, nor one of the two prophets; i am not to go to Jerusalem but i am…
Mowad now speaks of doing evil to serve his purpose. He has land he could sell for cheap, get all he needs to be free, instead he wishes to keep it and serve the God of money to keep it. I trust him less than ever now with this talk and maybe it is talk…
The check has arrived at the lawyer but in order for Mowad to get it, another thousand plus shekels must be paid for taxes and the lawyer. If the money is not found soon, there is another holiday just before he has to pay the monthly expenses for the children. He has a place to…