

Not much sleep last night. I awoke from a deep sleep that made me feel like i at least had a good sleep. Upon waking this morning my thoughts were of my mother and wanting to embrace her. True riches; not the money she clings to but her three children. I see that she is



The rain has started and little sleep will be had tonight, less that the two previous. I am now thinking it best to call Sevgilim before leaving Istanbul because i have a feeling that she maybe on holiday. GOD’s will be done, whatever happens i will use to serve him.



My dreams have returned now that it has been two days without tea. As i toss and turn i remember only small bits. I will work on keeping them on my mind’s eye before moving to the side that is not numb from my bed of two and a half pullman seats. I have had



In my attempt to shorten my journey back to Sevgilim, i was unsuccessful. So now instead of taking the ferry from Rodos to Marmaris, I will continue to Athens and take the land route to Istanbul. For in my attempt to hurry, i would have spent much more money. As they say, haste makes waste.



Now Hyme wants more money for staying here and so i told Mowad i would tell him that i will be leaving in two or so days. Mowad said, “stay with me, I have no money.” and he has yet to do anything. After saying that he pulled out twenty-five shekels for me to walk



I let Mowad sleep out on the couch last night. He was to go home to see his wife and kids, maybe stay a couple of nights. He came back very late as i knew he would. At first i grabbed the sheets and pillow and went to the couch, then when he went out



The being here is coming to a close. I know that i could learn much more but i need to return to the states and apply my learning. New life always teaches new lessons. Everything on this earth deteriorates. Nothing in worldly life lasts. Why would a God create things that are not eternal, as



I was hard on Mowad but he has decided to go back to his family. He says he will surrender. ‘I tell you to resist not evil.’ I pray to GOD that his children benefit from his new found spirituality that manifests itself as the Love of GOD.



I was honest with Mowad about the eight thousand dollars and this morning he again asked me for more, knowing i have no more to give. I told him he was evil and thought only of self and he cares more about himself than he does a single woman raising his children on her own.



I just calculated my lunar days and it gave me the same month i am existing at present under the so-called time i used to know. At present i have been alive for one year and four months and it is right because that is the current month. Now i will go by it alone.