
Television is quickly becoming a thing of the past. My time is increasingly spent reading, drawing, sailing, and spending it with friends, writing, cooking, and working. It has been a definite change for the better and my brain seems to be increasing in speed. There is a desire for my whole body to move ten


Any time I think of whales, I think of Moby and with it follows a forward directional path that is of a totally unique mind set. Since the biggest act of personal passive rebellion, I have started to get out more, instead of watching television. I have been somewhere every weekend for the past month

Rat Race

15_Rat Race

To tell you the truth, I don’t think anyone or myself knows who is in charge. I remember that in the Bush and Clinton election, Bush got the popular vote but Clinton won the election. Those occurrences show that the majorities, we the people, have no say so in the matter. As Kennedy told us