
Tonight, is the first full moon since my drive from Lucedale to Mammoth Lakes. Instead of driving through the desert in Arizona and California, it finds me now heading south toward Singapore in the South China Sea. So, if I am to measure my progress it will now be in terms of heavenly events created


This day I feel so far away from my goal of spiritual evolution and there is reason because my sight still looks backwards. I think of Bachuas, Spacelabs, family, vehicles and comforts like the touch of a woman. Patience, I must take all things with patience. Kafka believes we were cast out of and remain


Tonight, at midnight I am going to start my cleansing and try to hold my vigil for as long as I can hold out. So today I will drink my cokes, eat bread, peanut butter, cookies, and dinner then after twenty-four hundred hours I will be on fruit and water for as long as it


I am reading a book from the ship’s library called “Dove”. It is about a young-aged man’s journey around the world in his twenty-four-foot sailboat. He was a self-proclaimed pagan and under destroying seas, he asked, God or “whoever you are”, please help me! And he received help, in the way Christ calmed the seas.